Yann S
Freelance artist (spare-time only)
Bands LP illustrations
Hard wired
Spaceships tributes
AI collaboration
RSHTV-100 - Acheron - Rising (2008)
RSHTV-110 - Nemesis - Pathfinder (2010)
RSHTV-120 - Noveria - Awakening (2010)
RSHTV-125 - Noveria - Hyper transmitter (2009)
RSHTV-130 - Noveria - First contact (2007)
RSHTV-135 - Noveria - Power supply (2008)
RSHTV-150 - Rubicon - Arrival (2009)
RSHTV-155 - Rubicon - Mooring (2009)
RSHTV-160 - Rubicon - Industrial world (2011)
RSHTV-165 - Rubicon - Breezeway (2011)
RSHTV-170 - Rubicon - Illumination (2009)
RSHTV-172 - Rubicon - The well (2011)
RSHTV-175 - Rubicon - The core (2009)
RSHTV-178 - Rubicon - Trinity (2011)
RSHTV-180 - Rubicon - Polarity (2012)
RSHTV-185 - Rubicon - The trench (2009)
RSHTV-200 - Ilos - Relay station (2010)
RSHTV-210 - Ilos - Exodus (2010)
RSHTV-230 - Acteon - Outpost (2010)
RSHTV-250 - Aion - Hegemony (2010)
RSHTV-252 - Aion - Data highways (2013)
RSHTV-280 - Cygnus - Deep space (2009)
RSHTV-285 - Perdide - Dead planet (2008)
RSHTV-290 - Pandora - Machine city (2009)
RSHTV-292 - Pandora - The watcher (2011)
RSHTV-294 - Pandora - Bridge (2011)
RSHTV-296 - Pandora - The archivist (2011)
RSHTV-360 - Resurgam - Extraction (2011)
RSHTV-370 - Prométhée - The Castle (2011)
RSHTV-375 - Jupiter - Floating giant (2014)
RSHTV-380 - LV-223 - Magellan (2013)
RSHTV-390 - Cronos - The gate (2010)
RSHTV-392 - Cronos - The wreck (2009)
RSHTV-395 - Cronos - Sentinel (2009)
RSHTV-400 - Irradiate - Still there (2007)
RSHTV-405 - Irradiate - The ark (2007)
RSHTV-408 - Irradiate - Dying clockwork (2007)
RSHTV-410 - Irradiate - Remnants (2007)
RSHTV-420 - Furia - Fallout (2007)
RSHTV-450 - Ilium - Forgotten city (2009)
RSHTV-500 - Titan - Sense of wonder (2013)
RSHTV-510 - Nyx - Factory (2013)
RSHTV-512 - Nyx - Oversight (2013)
RSHTV-515 - Nyx - Portal (2013)
RSHTV-518 - Nyx - Further down (2013)
RSHTV-520 - Nyx - Deeper (2013)
RSHTV-525 - Nyx - Hidden 1 (2013)
RSHTV-530 -Nyx - Hidden 2 (2013)
RSHTV-535 - Nyx - Hidden 3 (2013)
RSHTV-650 - Mass - New horizon (2012)
RSHTV-654 - Mass - Skyscrapers (2012)
RSHTV-658 - Mass - The wall (2012)
RSHTV-690 - Deep_Rift-9 (2011)
RSHTV-800 - Leviathan - Beyond (2010)
RSHTV-805 - Concrete - Verticality (2012)
RSHTV-810 - Concrete - Silent civilization (2008)
RSHTV-820 - Phaedra - Alive (2008)
RSHTV-825 - Acheron - The temple of rebirth (2010)
RSHTV-830 - Acheron - Follow me (2008)
RSHTV-835 - Acheron - Dive (2007)
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